RUC Professor Huang Yanfen Won the Honor of “Jean Monnet Chair Professor” from European Union

The European Union’s Education and Culture Executive Committee noticed that Professor Huang Yanfen won the honor of “Jean Monnet Chair Professor” of the European Union in November, 2021. ...More>>

The 1st “Qiushi Dialogue” on the Long-Term Aging Care Held by SPAP, RUC and SIPP, Hitotsubashi University

The 1st “Qiushi Dialogue” (求是对话) was successfully held on Jan 6th, 2022, focusing on the topic of the long-term care social security system in aging society. The School of Public Administration and Po... ...More>>

Capital, administrative burden, and welfare participation: Evidence from the minimum living standard scheme in China
author:Yang Yongzheng, Wang Ying 2024-08-04

Administrative burden in citizen-state interactions has received increasing attention. Building upon existing literature on its antecedents and consequences, ...More>>

How international are public administration journals? An analysis of the persistent Anglo-American dominance in public administration journals
author:Jianzheng Liu, Yifei Xu, Xinyun Zhang, Wenxuan Yu, Haotian Zhong 2024-07-29

This study provides a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of four dimensions (editors, editorial board members, authors, and geographical focus of research) of the internationalization of 45 major... ...More>>

Health insurance and subjective well-being: evidence from integrating medical insurance across urban and rural areas in China
author:Qin Zhou, Karen Eggleston, Guoen Liu 2024-07-15

Health insurance coverage and the risk protection it provides may improve enrollees’ subjective well-being, as demonstrated for example by Oregon Medicaid’s randomized expansion significantly improvin... ...More>>

How Does Homeownership Shape Public Service Coproduction? Evidence from a Public Complaint System in Beijing, China
author:Zhang Youlang, Li Wenzhao 2024-05-20

Homeownership has been widely regarded as a critical determinant of public participation in social science research. However, the role of homeownership in public service coproduction has been under-re... ...More>>