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Liang Ma  Professor  

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Department of administration liangma@ruc.edu.cn
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Qiushi Building 419A 010-62515235

Education Experience

B.A. in Public Administration, School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University, June 2006 M.S. in Public Administration, School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University, June 2008 Ph.D. in Management, School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University, June 2012

Work Experience

August 2012 – July 2015, Research Fellow, Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. July 2015 – March 2016, Senior Research Fellow, Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.

Part time Job

May 2012 - , Adjunct Research Fellow, Center for Performance Management and Center for Chinese Local Governance Innovation, School of Public Policy and Administration (SPPA), Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), China. August 2015 - , Research Fellow, the National Academy of Development and Strategy (NADS), Renmin University of China (RUC), China.

Research Expertise

Public organizational innovation and change Public service performance measurement and management Urban studies Electronic government and digital governance

Selected Publications

Chen, S., Christensen, T., & Ma, L. (2019). Competing for father's love? The politics of central government agency termination in China. Governance: An International Journal of Policy Administration and Institutions,, doi: 10.1111/gove.12405. Ma, L., & Christensen, T. (2018). Mapping the evolution of the central government apparatus in China. International Review of Administrative Sciences, doi: 10.1177/0020852317749025. Ma, L. (2017). Performance management and citizen satisfaction with the government: Evidence from Chinese municipalities. Public Administration, 95(1), 39-59.
Ma, L. (2017). Political ideology, social capital, and government innovativeness: Evidence from the US states. Public Management Review, 19(2), 114-133.
Ma, L. (2016). Performance feedback, government goal-setting, and aspiration level adaptation: Evidence from Chinese provinces. Public Administration, 94(2), 452-471.
Ma, L. (2016). Does Super-Department Reform Improve Public Service Performance in China?. Public Management Review, 18(3), 369-391.
Ma, L., Tang, H., & Yan, B. (2015). Public Employees’ Perceived Promotion Channels in Local China: Merit-Based or Guanxi-Orientated? Australian Journal of Public Administration, 74(3): 283-297.
Ma, L. (2014). Diffusion and Assimilation of Government Microblogging: Evidence from Chinese Cities. Public Management Review, 16(2), 274-295.
Ma, L. (2013). The Diffusion of Government Microblogging: Evidence from Chinese Municipal Police Bureaus. Public Management Review, 15(2): 288-309.
Ma, L., & Liu, P. (2017). The missing links between regulatory resources and risk concerns: Evidence from the case of food safety in China. Regulation & Governance, DOI:10.1111/rego.12160.
Liu, P., & Ma, L. (2016). Food scandals, media exposure, and citizens’ safety concerns: A multilevel analysis across Chinese cities. Food Policy, 63, 102-111.
Wu, W., Ma, L., & Yu, W. (2017). Government transparency and perceived social equity: Assessing the moderating effect of citizen trust in China. Administration & Society, 49(6), 882-906.
Yu, W., & Ma, L. (2016). External government performance evaluation in China: Evaluating the evaluations. Public Performance & Management Review, 39(1), 144-171