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Weidong Qu  Professor  

Department                             E-mail                           
Land Management Department quwd@ruc.edu.cn
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Qiushi Building 010-82502249

Education Experience

From Sep. 1986 to Jul. 1991 he has studied at the Department of Surveying and Land Management of the Tongji University in Shanghai and received the degree of bachelor of science. After this he has worked as technical director of the department of surveying and mapping of the Institute of Real Estate Planning and Design in the city Anshan. From Sep. 1994 to Jul. 1997 he has studied at the Department of Land & Real Estate Management of School of Business Administration of Renmin University of China in Beijing and received the degree of master of economy. From Sep. 1997 to Dec. 2000 he has done the Ph.D. studying at the Geodetic Institute of University Hannover, Germany and received his degree of Dr.-Ing. During his studying in Germany he has worked in part time and full time at some firms, e.g. as surveying engineer in the cadastral and surveying bureau of Hanover, as real estate appraiser in the Simon & Reinhold Partner office in Hannover. From Jun. 2001 to Feb. 2002 he has worked at the North German States Bank (NORD/LB), department of real estate mortgage valuation. From Mar. 2002 he started his teaching and researching activities as an associate professor at the Department of Land & Real Estate Management, School of Public Administration of Renmin University of China. From Aug. 2016 he got the position as full professor in the school of Public Administration and Policy.

Work Experience

Oct. 2008 - Dec.2011, Researchfellowship of German Alexander Humboldt Foundation at the Technich University of Munich. March 2002 - today, Associate professor and professor of School of Public Administration and Policy May 2001 - Feb. 2002, Appraiser of Morgage lending value in the Department of Valuation of the North German State Bank of Germany Jan.1991 - Sept. 1997 Technical superviser of the surveying department of the Institute of Angang Housing planning and design Head of Research and Assessment Center of Property Tax Vice Head of Real Estate Information Centre of RUC Vice Head of Research Centre for Land Policy of RUC Research Fellow of Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation Membership of IAAO HypZert Real Estate Valuer for Mortgage Lending Valuation (CIS HypZert MLV)

Part time Job

Director and Executive Vice Secretary-General of Global Chinese Real Estate Congress Director of China Association of Real Estate Academicians Research Fellow of PKU-Lincoln Center


  • Land Information System (BSc)

  • Real Estate Appraisal Theory and Practice (BSc)

  • Real Estate Investment Analysis (BSc)

  • Advanced Real Estate Appraisal with Case Study (MSc)

  • Real Estate Investment and Risk Analysis (MSc)

  • Property Taxation and Assessment (Part time students)

Research Expertise

  • Real Estate Appraisal & Valuation Information System

  • Land and Cadastral Management

  • Real Estate Market Analysis

  • Real Estate Finance

  • Property Tax and Public Finance

  • Fuzzy Cluster Analysis

  • GIS Application Research (LIS, CMS etc.)

Selected Publications


1. Qu, W. Zur Anwendung der Fuzzy-Clusteranalyse in der Grundstuckswerterittlung, Doctoral thesis, 2000, ISSN 0174-1454.

2. Ye Jianping, Qu Weidong. Real Estate Appraisal. Renmin University Press, (Mar.2006. 1st edition), ISBN7-300-06937-1.

3. Wolfgang C., Kanrad L., Qu, W., Mortgage Lending Value, Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, Apri. 2010, ISBN 978-7-5000-8313-9.

4. Qu, W. Property tax reform and assessment practice in China, Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 2014, ISBN 978-7-5000-9494-4.

5. Qu, W. and Liu, X. Assessing the Performance of Chinese Land Lease Auctions: Evidence from Beijing, Journal of real estate research. Volume 34, Number 3, 2012 of the Journal of Real Estate Research, ISSN0896-5803. (SSCI)