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Unpaid commuting stress: Evaluation of the relocation policy of the Beijing Municipal Government



Author:  Weidong Qu, Zhen Yan, Bing Zhu

Abstract: This article examines the impact of the relocation policy of the Beijing Municipal Government on the turnover intention of staff. Based on 1005 questionnaires and an instrumental variable regression, we find that commute dissatisfaction and family dilemmas are important reasons for the increased turnover intention after relocation. Female staff, partners who are both working in the Beijing Municipal Government, and staff with children attending good schools in Beijing were severely affected, particularly due to family dilemmas. Planners and policymakers need to manage the potential jobs-housing imbalances that emerge from intra-metropolitan government job resettlement plans. Subsequently, policies to improve the living conditions of new subcenters can increase the benefits of the population and employment decentralization as part of public sector relocation plans.
