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The association and mediating mechanism between poverty and poly-victimization of left-behind children in rural China



Poly-victimization of children attracts increasing concerns in China, and a rapid growing number of cases on poly-victimization among left-behind children were reported. This study aims to test the association and mediating mechanism between poverty and poly-victimization of left-behind children in rural China. Representative survey data on left-behind children in rural China was analyzed in this study. Frequency and percentage were reported in descriptive analyses; Logistic Regression and mediating effects analysis were employed to test the association and detailed pathways between poverty and poly-victimization. About 27.50% of left-behind children suffered from at least one kind of victimization, and >10% suffered from poly-victimization (at least two kinds of victimization in the present study). Regression results revealed that poverty was significantly and consistently associated with poly-victimization when controlling for covariates. Furthermore, the mediating mechanism analysis showed that, in the association between poverty and poly-victimization, it is the increased vulnerability from individual (individual psychological and behavioral health) and family (quality of family care) rather than vulnerability from surrounding interactions, plays a significant mediating role. This study stresses the importance of poverty alleviation in policy making for the protection of left-behind children from victimization in China. Also, support from family and school in protecting left-behind children should be paid additional attention.
